Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Why many farmers would veto farm bill

Would farmers really veto the farm bill? You wouldn't think so, given how all the critics believe the thing is a big fat handout for everybody. John McCain is the latest to condemn the plan. A wire story outlining his dissent, which appeared in the Washington Post today, included mention of the Agriculture Online poll that shows farmers in favor of a presidental veto.
Dan Looker, Successful Farming business editor who covers the farm bill for Agriculture Online, gives these reasons for farmer disfavor for the legislation:
* They agree with President Bush and Senator Grassley that more reform is needed by lowering the adjusted gross income to $200,000.
* They might believe it spends too much on food stamps (a sure bet before the current food price inflation but I’m not so sure now).
* The safety net of marketing loans and countercyclical payments in the farm bill is irrelevant in today’s market.
* Continued direct payments are irrelevant in today’s market.
* Continuing the conservation reserve program makes no sense in today’s market.
What's your theory? Take the poll and add your own comments.

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